The government is in no way responding appropriately to the swine flu outbreak. Between Joe Biden saying that he wouldn't be in any crowded places and Janet Naploitano REFUSING to allow Border Control Officers to wear masks because they may "look intimidating" it's pretty clear that the administration is not on the same page, or even in the same book. They need to get their act together and send out a strong, consistant, honest message about what's really going on. They also need to put the politics and image management aside and put the citizens of out country first. After all, isn't that what they take an oath to do?
This out break has brought to mind the immigration problems that have been, for all intents and purposes, swept under the rug. The bottom line is simple—Immigration laws exist to protect the citizens of America. Part of the immigration process is a health screening. If an immigrant has a disease, such as swine flu, they would be quarantined and treated. This helps to prevents the disease from being brought into our country and spread to our citizens. In the late 1800s and early 1900s when immigrants flocked to the US, they were required to apply for citizenship, have a health screening, learn English, and pass a citizenship test.
Those who were found to be unhealthy were quarantined, or in extreme cases, refused entry and sent back to where ever they came from. That was back in the days when the government was still more concerned with the welfare of its citizens then its image in the eyes of foreign leaders.
While I don’t want to see people, especially children, get sick and possibly die, I do hope this opens the eyes of the extreme leftists who think we should have completely open borders with no restrictions whatsoever. Maybe they will now see the potential, unintended danger of letting illegal aliens from ANY country run unchecked in America.
France has limited entry to their country, especially air planes that are coming from countries with infected people. Our government won't even close the border down to keep unnecessary traffic from passing through. Why? Because the MEXICAN government relies on our commerce. Last time I checked, Mexico wasn't one of the 50 United States or it's possessions. So why are we putting their welfare before our own?
Janet Napolitano has gone as far as to prohibit border agents from wearing protective masks because it makes them look intimidating. Intimidating to WHO?? The Mexican Army is wearing masks and are managing not to intimidate the people. So they should get sick and bring it home to their families and friends because the masks don't coordinate with their uniforms? That would be akin to firefighters not wearing oxygen masks because they might scare any little children who might be in a burning building. It defies common sense and shows us how little the government cares about the safety and welfare of it's citizens.
It seems that this administration has been more concerned with what the world thinks of them then what the people of their own country thinks of them. They've changed the name from "Swine Flu" to "H1N1 Flu". Like we're a better class of people because we have "H1N1" instead of "Swine Flu".
The government hasn't done anything constructive to remedy the situation. The media, especially Fox News, has done a far better job of keeping people informed on the state of the illness then the administration. Kudos to the local governments for taking the needed actions such as closing schools and setting up special healthcare facilities as not to create new cases.
I hope this outbreak is a real wake up call for the powers that be. Someone in Obama's cabinet is suspected of having the flu. Maybe after they see first hand, up close how bad the illness is, they’ll stop being so superficial. Maybe after all these “sanctuary cities get flooded with new cases that are spread by the undocumented, illegal immigrants and the still-open borders, they’ll wise up and appreciate the laws a little more. It’s terrible that things are in the state they’re in because personal politics, appearance, and superficial decisions are prevailing.
Many thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the flu, wherever they may be.
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