04 May 2009

Should DNA paternity testing be mandatory?

This is like a tricky essay question. There is ample information to sustain either argument but you have to be able to look at the big picture and see the potential disaster that lies ahead. The short answer is I feel It would be counter productive and costly, not to mention a violation of privacy. Who you have sex with is your business unless your a child (making it your parents and the DAs business) or married (making it your spouses and probably they’re divorce solicitor’s business).

Imagine the cost to test multiple suspects if the woman is “unsure who the father is but has a pretty good idea”. We’ve all heard of those women who find themselves in the unlucky position of having two or more viable candidates and having to figure out how to handle the situation tactfully. And what if the woman was a victim of rape and didn’t know her attacker? Believe it or not there are women who become pregnant after a rape and keep the baby.

I am against mandatory testing because I see the bigger picture of where this will inevitably lead. Aside from it being a privacy issue, once the government has that DNA sample, they’re never going to let it go. There are multitudes of different ways that information can be misused. Supposing there is a very good reason a woman does not want the father of her child to know he has a child? A survivor of domestic abuse who got away before she found out she was pregnant is probably not going to want her abuser to be able to use that child to control and hurt her.

I am against the government having anymore control over my life then they already have. If they have your DNA on file, they will know if you’re predisposed to have any health conditions and can use that information to control the health care industry. The government is already looking to socialize health care. With DNA testing, they can charge or tax certain people more because their genes say they may have a predisposition to heart disease or diabetes.

How would we like it if in the future the government use the DNA information to limit who can have children and who can’t? How would we like it if they started doing the sorts of experiments Hitler’s people once did to come up with a supreme race of human? It sounds far fetched but Hitler already did such experiments once. Another Hitler type who comes along will have all this DNA information that the former didn’t have access too? History has show that under the right conditions, people can be duped into doing all sorts of things they wouldn’t normally do.

The government already tells us where we can and can’t smoke and then taxes the hell out of smokers to get them to quit because THEY want them to. They tell us what kind of light bulbs we should buy and what kinds of cars we should drive. They preach at us to be tolerant of the views they approve of and criticize anything that conflicts with their agenda. They don’t want to represent us, they want to dominate us.

Mandatory paternity testing sounds great on the surface, but we need to look at the long term precedent that will be set. We cannot willingly hand over our rights because we are too focused on the small picture. Paternity is an issue that needs to be dealt with by the concerned parties and if need be their solicitors. The government needs to mind their own business.

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