05 March 2009

Six Songs of the Times

Since the music came about, people have been using it as a vehicle to spread their thoughts, feelings, and political agenda. Sometimes the public find meanings in the songs and it becomes an anthem on its own, such as Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit”.

I’ve picked five songs I feel reflect our world today. Song five, well… you’ll see when you get there. Feel free to share the songs you feel reflect our society in the comments below. I’d love to hear what yous think.

1. “From Yesterday” - :30 to Mars

It seems that the people in power today feel like they have the power to do it all. They judge us, punish us, make decisions for us. But all of them have something they fear from their pasts. Lately, everyone’s fears are coming…..from yesterday.

From Yesterday 30 Seconds From Mars

2. "What You Own” – Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascale, RENT

This song comes from RENT, a VERY realistic snap shot of a year in the life of eight friends. It is a down to earth, honest look at life as many people are living it. “What You Own” mirrors the shift of America to being a country that thrives on materialism. It’s not about who you are anymore. It’s about who you know and what you own. Everybody wants a big house, two cars, and a lot of STUFF to show that they are successful and to reach a higher status in the community. It seems that being a good person isn’t enough anymore…

What You Own - RENT the Musical

3. “We’re Not Gonna Take It” – Twisted Sister

Okay, if you’ve watched the news lately, then you’ve seen the “Tea Parties” that have been taking place nationwide in protest to the excessive spending of our government. They’re sick and tired of being abused, mistreated, and ignored by people who were elected to serve and represent them. Quite frankly, we’ve reached the point where we’re just not gonna take it anymore!

We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister

4. “Over There” George M. Cohen”

George M. Cohen wrote this song in the forties, but it’s still very much true today. America is the lead peace keeper in the world. Anywhere there is a problem, we’re right there to lend a hand and eradicate the bad guys. In WWII we were in France, England, Germany, and Japan. We were in Korea. We were in Vietnam. We are in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wherever there is a problem, the last super power will stand up and lead the charge.

Of course, we’re grateful to all of our allies such as England, Australia, and Israel for standing by us.

Over There - George M. Cohen

5. "Shout 2000" - Disturbed

This song is prefaced by the words, "Now gather yourselves. All your hate. All your anger. Everything that is black and loathsome that dwells inside of you. I want you to pour that shit into me. I want you to pour that shit into me! Gather yourselves and your strength from me my brothers my sisters my blood and shout..."

Now a days, there's PLENTY of hate and anger going on due to the state of things. The song is an anthem that tell us that despite the chaos around us we DON'T have to sell our soul. We DON'T have be anybody's whore (figuratively or literally). We can rebel against what we don't believe in and live to tell about it. We don't like the way things are? We want them to hear us? We need to stand up and SHOUT!

6. “Eve of Destruction” – Barry McGuire

I saved this one for last because I believe it holds the most truth. Barry McGuire wrote this song during the Vietnam Era, but it accurately describes the state of the world today. We’re in the Middle East fighting against people who are hell bent on destroying all goodness in the world and perpetuating their unholy, perverted beliefs. They’ve taken something good and sacred and twisted it into something evil and destructive.

The situation here at home isn’t much better. Politicians and radicals are undermining the foundations our country was built on. We have government sponsored discrimination, a war on illegal immigration, a war to keep our basic rights from revoked and the ongoing war on drugs and poverty. Not much has changed since the sixties except the problems just keep getting worse. We’re on a dangerous path and quickly closing in on the eve of destruction, as democracy and capitalism are being chipped away into socialism and communism.

Eve of Destruction - Barry McGuire

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